Is It Being ‘On Track’ And Falling “Off Track’ Or Is It Our Systems Of Stress And Adrenaline

The world is CONSTANTLY telling us that we need to be 'on track' in some way or another.

We need to be 'on track' in our careers - constantly working to level up, hustle and drive so that we can do, be and accomplish more. 

We're told that we need to be 'on track' with our bodies - making sure that we're doing all the 'right' things so that we can look how we're supposed to look in our culture.

We're told that we need to be 'on track' with our life milestones - making sure we're coupling up, having kids, buying a house, achieving certain things by certain ages.

We're told that there's a right way to live life, a right way to relate, a right way to work, a right way to have a body - and in all of this we are constantly SOLD the 'plans' we need to get us 'on track' and to keep us 'on track.'

Which then leads to a situation where we feel terrible about ourselves whenever we're 'off track.'

Where we feel like if we aren't measuring up to all the pressures of society, if we aren't able to manage CONSTANTLY moving FORWARD in our jobs, bodies, relationships and life - that this means we suck, are failing and need to 'get back on track.'

This even exists in the spirituality and self help worlds. Where we are told we need to be doing this or that self care, we need to be 'on track' with our practices and we need to be dedicated to doing all the things 'right' so that we can say we're growing and evolving 'on track.'

This on track/off track mentality often leads us to feeling like we are failing all the time, that we are never good enough, that we're never able to MAINTAIN our progress and like we must be doing something wrong - until we find the new 'track' to get on that makes us feel better for a while - until we inevitably fall 'off' again.

The reality is, this is all totally exhausting.

Today let's talk about why 'being on track' - whatever that means to you in this time - is going to FEEL so good for a while, but why you then 'fall of track.'

We're going to talk about why there isn't anything WRONG with you that you 'fall of track' and why this on/off loop is actually making you feel worse than you need to feel about yourself and your life.

Let's explore HEALTHY ways of moving forward in life that don't have to involve the roller coaster of being 'on track' then 'falling off', feeling like a failure, getting 'back on track' and so on - over and over again.


Remember, you don't have to do this self love path all alone.

Figuring out how to support ourselves, how to be on our own side, how to figure out what our emotions are saying, how to problem solve so we can build lives that work for us - it can be confusing.

That's why I've built the Mystery School - a three year self study program designed to take the guess work out of this path, so you can start to really connect to who YOU are, what YOU need, and how to create a life that supports that.

It's a program designed to help you begin thinking in 'systems' so you can be a part of the positive change we need to see on this planet.

It's all about finding compassion and working with curiosity so we can understand ourselves and life in general better, and so we can use that understanding to create BETTER models for LIFE!

I’d love to have you as part of the community - remember we also meet as a group once a month for an exclusive live chat where we address whatever's most pertinent for everyone at the time. The course itself is self-paced so you can work through it at whatever speed works for you - starting whenever you like!If you're interested, you can check out the school details here

The Aliyah Mystery School