Getting Trapped In Childhood:
Learning to see the WHOLE PICTURE and how not being safe/not getting our needs met/being antagonized throughout the generations has affected us is KEY to again understanding our ultimate innocence, and understanding what we NEED vs. moving us into a state of self 'fixing'.
We are not broken, we are life RESPONDING to life - and if that response seems unhealthy, that means we need more love, awareness and a return to our humanity through a change in systems - not 'fixing.'
When we reject information/experience something we don't understand that we don't process, we have an experience that gets stored in our being until we are ready to look at it, and let it inform our seeds so they can become more aware of reality. Again this 'stuck experience' can be passed down through generations as we ADAPT (dealing with the consequences of our misalignments ie. pain, with coping/self sabotage/scapegoating rather than LEARNING and ALIGNING - this is adaptation/generational 'sin.' Trying to cope with that which was harmful, painful or antagonistic in whatever ways we knew at the time, and in whatever ways were demonstrated to us. Taking on familial patterns, and then COPING with results rather than CHANGING).
When we can start from a place of COMPASSION for ourselves whenever we look at what we consider 'flaws' in our being, we will begin the process of figuring out what we were responding to, how it hurt, why it hurt and what needs to change so that we can feel better - both the things WE can do differently and the things we as a collective need to learn to do differently.
This is 'childlike' curiosity. Why? How come? Where? How? These questions we all have are born of our natural knowledge that growth = life and new awareness/information/experience (different words for the same thing) is what generates that growth. These questions have been bred out of us as we grow - turning into SHAME, GUILT and FEAR when we don't know - leading to MORE pain and MORE ADAPTING.
We can't grow if we can't question - and we can't grow when we don't know how to PROCESS pain as INFORMATION - when we get stuck in blame, shame and guilt. Most get stuck in the cycles of pain = we are doings something wrong and that makes us BAD - so we look to SELF IMPROVE which is a cul-de-sac, or we make pain mean we are TRAPPED and thus we ADAPT.
See you next week for Part Three 🙂
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