Take a look inside!

Module 1 Topics:

• What society considers ‘normal’ or ‘recovered’ and why this is anything but healthy.
• Why you have struggled to become ‘normal.’
• How your culture drives you to have an unhealthy body image and relationship with food through it’s mixed messages.
• Why we need to redefine normal recovery.

Module 2 Topics:

• Why ‘Normal’ is anything but healthy.
• Why you have struggled to get yourself to be ‘normal’
• Why the culture you live in promotes an extreme way of relating to your body and food that has gone unquestioned.
• Why recovery has nothing to do with ‘returning’ to anything you were before you started struggling, but rather requires an evolution.
• Why developing your own way of ‘being extreme’ is so important for true recovery.

Module 3 Topics:

• Why the assumed roots of body image/food issues in our culture is wrong.
• Why we all have a deep fear of being unique, and how this fear is killing us.
• Why we are all so afraid to be unique, but at the same time are dying to be who and what we truly are.
• Why culture has set you up to be deeply self rejecting, in ways you may not even be aware of - and how these lead directly to developing food and body image issues.
• Why recovering from food and body image issues has less to do with finding ‘balance’ in your eating, and way more to do with figuring out who you are.

Module 4 Topics:

• Why self sabotage is not really sabotage at all.
• Why you can’t ever change your fundamental design, and how you are using food and body image issues to suppress the parts of yourself you think are unacceptable.
• How food and body image issues actually protect us from pain we don’t know how to deal with. Why your body contains keys of wisdom you need for living your fullest life.
• Why tuning into your body is so important, why it is so difficult and who to actually do it.
• The truth about uncomfortable emotions and why they are so important in recovery.
• Why your distrust of your body and life itself is holding you back from freedom.

Module 5 Topics:

• How to rewire the instinctual parts of your brain that are keeping you stuck in food and body image mindsets and behavior patterns that don’t serve your highest good.
• Why most ‘recovery’ is really just a rebellion.
• Why rebellion from culture and from diets is a part of the process, but not the full process.
• Why we must move BEYOND rebellion to find true health.
• Why taking your power back with food and your body image is really just the starting point of taking your power back in life.
• How to create a vision of your ideal life and actually CREATE that vision.

Module 6 Topics:

• Why your body is actually the PERFECT companion for you in this specific life, and why learning to see it as perfect is the key to true healing.
• Why this work that you are doing with your body image and food issues are the foundations for creating your ideal life overall.
• The Three Principles of Personal Power that will change your whole approach to yourself and your life.
• How to access true pleasure.
• Why presence is key to a life of joy and how to actually BE present.
• Why taking control of your perception/perspective will change your life.

BONUS Perception Diet Ebook With Powerful Exercises!

BONUS - The Perception Diet


The Perception Diet is a perfect companion to Your Body Is On Your Side. It contains 7 key exercises you can use to end your battle with your body. If you are dealing with an eating disorder, disordered body image, deep levels of self hate or simply feel like your body is against you and you don’t understand WHY it won’t just heal or look how you want it to look, this work will support you in deeply tapping into the wisdom lying within you and your body.

100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not happy with the Your Body Is On Your Side Ebook, we will refund you your money no questions asked.

We know that you know your body, that you know what does and doesn’t work for you. If this program falls into the ‘doesn’t work for you’ category - let us know and we will gladly honor you in that.

If at the end of your experience with the program you don’t feel more connected to your body, more empowered in your ability to make life generating choices for yourself and more sure that your body is on your side - then we will refund you.

This program is all about connecting you with you. If that goal is not met, we want to give you your money back!

Here is everything you get with the program...


  • Introduction and How To Use This Course

  • Module One: Redefining Recovery

  • Module One Video

  • Module Two: A Deeper Look At True Recovery

  • Module Two Video

  • Module Three: Why We Get Sick In The First Place

  • Module Three Video

  • Module Four: Your Body And How You Feel Means Something

  • Module Four Video

  • Module Five: Rebellion Vs. Taking Your Power Back

  • Module Five Video

  • Module Six: The Body Being Your Soulmate/Law Of Attraction

  • Module Six Video

  • Body Scan Meditation (Audio)

  • Rest and Digest Meditation (Audio)

  • The Perception Diet