Monday Musings ~ Taking Responsibility Is Not Taking Blame: Part One

Hello Beauty!

Today I want to share with you something that hopefully will fill you with empowerment.

The idea of taking complete - or even partial if this is new to you - responsibility for your life.

To say to yourself - "I am feeling how I am feeling because of ME.

Not because of them.

Or this circumstance."

And to know in this admission, what you are really doing is setting yourself free - not chaining yourself up in guilt.

To say that your choices are what have been the biggest deciding factors in your life.

Not just the choice of what you have said and done, or to believe that you have complete and total control over your circumstances - as sometimes others DO have an influence on the circumstances of your life - but the choices you made about how you were going to  PERCEIVE what was happening to you.

Your choices of how you were going to approach what was happening.

How you chose to feel.

How you chose to react.

To take responsibility for every choice you have made out of fear, rather than love.

It Might Sound Like Accepting Blame, At First.

At first glance, this can really look at feel like taking the BLAME for every bad thing in your life.

For every bad feeling.

For every 'wrong' turn.

For every situation and circumstance that did not go how you wanted it to.

It can really sound like I am telling you that everything in your life is your fault. That if you had just chosen differently or done differently that you would be happy now. That if there is anything that is 'off' in your life, that you just should have done differently, and it was no one's fault but your own.

I promise you, this is not what I am saying, nor is this at all what true taking of responsibility is like.

What was just described above - the feeling like you are taking BLAME - is just the disempowered version of victimhood - which is a mirror image of the projecting victim.

You see, when you blame others, blame circumstances, blame anything outside of yourself for how you are feeling and for your experience in this life, you are being the projecting victim.

It is their fault.

When you take blame, and shame yourself for your feelings, you are acting as the disempowered victim.

It is my fault.

Neither of these states are your truth.

The World Is Blaming And Projecting

Most of the world likes to be the projecting victim, because it feels 'safer' to blame outside persons/circumstances for how you are feeling or what is going on in your life.

It feels better - temporarily - to feel like when you feel like shit, it was not your fault.

When you are in this kind of mindset, the idea of taking responsibility is pretty much going to automatically simply shift that finger of blame in your direction. Rather than empowering yourself, you disempower yourself in a different way.

Which is why you don't want to do it.

You don't want to feel like shit is your fault. Of course you don't.

This is when you must realize that blame, on any level, directed at anyone, is totally and completely useless if you want to be happy.

Blame doesn't work. Blame simply removes power.

When you blame others, you are saying you have no power over your feelings or circumstances. When you blame yourself, you are effectively taking your power to change away from yourself again.

Shifting Out Of Blame All-Together

What I am saying here, is that it is time to shift into a totally NEW place.

Where no one and nothing is 'blamed.'

Where there is no 'fault.'

In this empowered place of responsibility, you are realizing that it is your INTERNAL landscape that is the true dictator of your external EXPERIENCE.

The Truth Of Taking Responsibility

When you take true responsibility, you step back into your power.

You say to yourself, that you have always done the best you could have with what you knew at the time. With who you were at the time. With what you had at the time.

If you are in a state of unrest that was caused by your past actions, you do not blame yourself for ending up where you are, because you know that if you could have done something different you would have.

Thus, you are not WRONG for being here.

Then, in this taking of responsibility, you empower yourself that you can make new choices moving forward.

You realize that just because you have done something in one way for a long time, does not mean that you have to keep doing things that way. That by changing you are not admitting that you were wrong before.

No. You were never wrong. you are just in the process of growth.

And growing requires change.

And change is not an admission of wrong doing.

See what I am pointing at here? So many are scared to empower themselves in doing something different - even if this new action helps stop something painful in their lives - because they believe that by doing so they are admitting that they were wrong, bad or stupid in the past.

Not so. Let that go friend. Right now.


Next week we will look at the actual doable steps you can take to step into a position of true empowerment in your life. For now, just consider what was said above:

  • No one needs to take blame for anything. Blame does not work, it just removes you from happiness.
  • Your bad feelings are not your fault, and you do have a power deep within you that can help you feel better, no matter your circumstances.
  • Change is no admission of wrongdoing. Change is an admission of a journey and of evolution. An admission of LIFE.
  • You are so worthy of feeling amazing in your life. Of feeling like the universe is on your side. Of feeling the wonder and magic of this precious life.

Until next week my love.
