5 Keys For All Light Workers, Healers, Teachers and Mentors

Hello 🙂

Today I wanted to talk about some things I have been learning myself lately. I know that the best stuff always comes from what we are personally going through, so it is my hope that this will be useful for you in your life 🙂

Now this post is 'technically' aimed at those who consider themselves to be 'healers' on some level,  such as:

  • Nutritionist
  • Doctors
  • Naturopaths
  • Herbalists
  • Psychics
  • Intuitives
  • Mediums
  • Artists
  • Yogi's and yogini's
  • Reiki teachers
  • Massage therapists
  • Raindrop therapists
  • Angel readers
  • Life coaches
  • Ect.

but I feel that most of these items also apply to anyone who just has a big heart - so if you are a mother, a lawyer, a bus driver ect this post is still for you 🙂

The truth is, more and more people are 'waking up' - so to speak.

More and more people are starting to tune into some deeper truths in life and this awakening is producing more and more teachers, and more and more students.

waking up

I feel like it has been a huge part of my personal life's 'mission' to teach spiritual truths. Hence this blog 😉 I remember telling my friend when I was about 5 years old that I was pretty sure I was an angel sent to earth to 'save' everyone.

While I may no longer believe I am a saviour, I do believe that I am here to communicate messages and truths. On this journey of owning my desire to teach I have learned many lessons the hard way. Which is what prompted this blog.

To be honest, the first 20 or so years of my life were pretty miserable. I wanted so badly for everyone to be happy, healthy and doing well - but it seemed like everyone around me was suffering, and it felt like I was always suffering. I worked really hard to try to jam messages of love and self acceptance (an oxymoron perhaps?)  into peoples heads, and at the same time struggled to come to terms with loving myself. I was perpetually frustrated because I felt like people were repeatedly coming to me for advice and help in their lowest moments, and then walking away with seemingly no regard for what I had said back into their terrible lives.

I felt like everyone was just trapped in a perceptual crap cycle, that they could get out of if THEY ONLY JUST LISTENED TO MEEEEEE.

Do you ever feel like that? That you are here to serve, you know you have a mission or a message and you really genuinely want to help people, but find that you are continually getting wiped out trying to do your work?

If so, this article is for you.

Here are five simple truths I have learned that have made my journey as a Light worker so.much.more.fun.

I invite you to take a read and then let the words sit with you for a while. If you find yourself resistant to any of the ideas below, then I would encourage you to really take time to sit with it. Look within yourself to where the resistance is coming from and question it. You never know what you may discover and what freedom that discovery may bring!

Tip Number 1. You Are Not Your Message:

This is the first point and the most important one. If you read nothing else I say for the rest of the post, I do want you to sit with this point for a bit and let it sink in if you can.

I used to identify so strongly what what I had to share that I felt like I was being personally rejected if someone I was talking too didn't accept what I was sharing. I spent so much time feeling so much pain because of this mindset.

The real truth is this - If people do not understand or receive what you have to say, they are not rejecting YOU. They are simply rejecting what it is you are carrying with you.

You are not your message/modality/healing waves. Those are all things that are coming through you - the vessel. Allow them to be like gifts that you are simply passing along. At the end of the day, you are a perfect, bright, shinning non-reject-able soul.

you are special

Understand that how people perceive your message has 100% to do with them, and pretty much 0% to do with you. Deliver what you have and know that you are still fully loved and loveable. Even if the person across from you associates you with your message, you don't have to.

Tip Number 2. Detach From The Outcome Of Your Sharing:

It can be so tempting to become emotionally attached to everyone 'getting' what you have to share. Which is totally understandable. It is very likely that what you teach or what you do has brought you a great deal of healing and or freedom, and you just want everyone else to feel and experience that. You want people to 'get' it because your heart is big, and that is beautiful.

But if you are attached to others getting or not getting it, you are in for a lifetime of hurt.

The truth is - and you may look back on your own experience and see that this is true for you - most people tend to go round and round and round the same problems over and over again until finally, one day the solution 'clicks' for them.

I have people in my life who I have counselled literally a thousand times, and each time they looked at me and pretended to hear what I had said and then went back to their self destructive patterns. Then finally, one day they just turn around and start healing.

You never know what it is going to take for someone to decide enough is enough and that they are ready to heal. As Gabby Bernstein says - "You cannot rob someone of their bottom."

Share your message, as many times as it takes but do not be attached to the receiver fully integrating it. You do not know their journey. Be OK with them falling down a hundred more times. Trust that everything is as it should be and just continue to be available. That is all you can do!

Tip Number 3. Share What Is On Your Heart:


It is common to feel that you must wait for the right audience to appear before you start sharing your truth. You may feel that you need to speak to the audience you currently have - to say things as not to make them feel uncomfortable and so on - and you may worry that if you shared what you really truly felt that people would run away. Or you may not have an audience at all at this point, and worry that if you started sharing what you really felt people would never listen to you because you are too radical.

I am here to tell you that you must share what is authentic to you in this moment.

If you share it, the audience will come. The people who need to hear from you will gather. Don't wait for them to show up before you start sharing or you may never share.

Trust me. If you have the message it is because there are people here who need to hear it or experience it. So share it. Share it now. Share it in its most pure and authentic form. Share it fully and completely, then practice points one and two 😉

Tip Number 4. Trust the Universe/God/Your Guides/Your Higher Self To Support You:

Right now you may be petrified to start sharing your message or to start up your practice because you feel like you don't have everything you need. You may feel like you have to have all your ducks in a row before you start.

You may also be afraid that if you stepped into your true purpose you will wind up a poor person begging on the street.


I want to tell you two things to set your mind at ease right now:

A). You have exactly what you need to get started right here and right now: No one has ever had it all figured out before they started. The great light workers of our time, and of times past would never have become who they are/were had they waited until they had everything figured out. Start with what you have. If that is renting an office space - rent the office space. If that is start the blog - start the blog. You don't have to know how it will progress, what your 10 year or 5 year or even 2 minute plan is. Just do the next step in front of you. The sooner you learn to do this, the easier the whole thing is going to be.

B). The Universe/God/Your higher self always supports soul mission work: This is a total truth. Every time I have ever stepped out to do my purpose - even when I felt I did not have the money, timer or energy to do it - the resources have always come. Trust that your Guide is not going to set you up to offer your souls work so you can suffer. The Universe understands that you are a human with human needs, and it will go about meeting them as you go about doing what you feel called to do. It is as simple as that - but you have to try it to see that it works 😉

Start with what you have, and trust that it will all work out. You know what you need to know when you need to know it.

Tip Number 5. Be Open To Personal Transformation:

Lastly, the most amazing thing you can do for yourself which will make this whole journey a heck of a lot less painful is to decide right now that you are open to learning, growing, expanding and becoming more.

This healing work you are doing is just as much (or more) about you than it is about those you are sharing it with.

Being a healer or teacher often means that you will have to go through most of what you will end up offering or teaching. The more attached you are to the being you are right now, to the life you are living right now - the status quo, the tougher this journey is going to be for you. The more you release resistance to change and learn to flow with it, the more you are going to find joy in this work.

open to change

Accept that growth and change is now a part of your mandate. Understand that nothing is ever 'taken' from you to make you suffer - everything is set up for your highest and greatest good and happiness.

If you cannot see that - sit and ask to see things in a new light. This really does work! Invite love into the places you feel fear and see what comes up. This is a kind and loving universe. Always.

Change can be fun and feel awesome. You just have to let it 🙂

What tips would you give spiritual teachers/light workers/healers? What have you learned along your path you feel is important for people to know?



Author perceptiontrainers

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