Have you ever thought to yourself 'I really don't actually know who I am' ?
Have you ever found yourself taking in self help, spirituality and personal growth material that is all about you 'finding your authentic self' and 'living your authentic life' - only to walk away feeling like you don't know how to live your authentic life because you don't actually know what or who your 'authentic self' is?
Do you feel like there are people out there who really KNOW themselves, who know what they want, know their purpose, are confident in who they are - and then there's you who feels all mixed up, jumbled and confused inside?
Do you sometimes feel like you aren't really 'yourself' but rather you're mostly working from a place of trying to be and do what those around you would approve of?
One of the most common things I hear in the one on one work that I do, and also just in general doing work in this self-love sphere is the sentiment that people feel that they don't really know themselves.
And on some levels, this can totally be true. That we don't know who we are/what we want/what we need/what works for us in life and that we need to do some exploration around these things in order to 'land' in a more comfortable life.
But MORE often than not, there's a different journey that needs to take place.
More often than not, when we start to do a little digging, it turns out that *most* people actually have a pretty good idea of who they are - the thing that's MISSING is the ability to validate, love and acknowledge who they are.
Today, let's dive into the difference between really not knowing who you are, and lacking the safety you need to ACCEPT and EXPRESS what you know to be true about yourself.
There's a big difference between truly not knowing yourself and feeling like you aren't allowed to be what you are - let's unpack this today to see if we can find some clarity.
Are you sick of the self help roller coaster that leaves you constantly striving and never arriving?
Are you ready for a true spiritual path that connects you to yourself and reality so you can feel good about your life?
Then come check out the Mystery School.
The school is a 4-5 year self paced program that includes written lectures, videos, worksheets, practices and a community all designed to help you develop a clearer view of yourself, your life and reality at large so that you can better design a life that actually works for you.