As someone who has spent my entire life being chronically ill, in a way that wasn't understood or diagnosed by medicine until my mid 30's, my experience in the natural health and healing world is quite vast.
And while there are a million and a half ways that we CAN totally support ourselves, there are plenty of tools that we can use to help ourselves heal and feel better in this life - the idea that ALL things can be healed 'naturally' and that there is a SOLUTION to all that ails us, is actually a pretty toxic message that get's perpetuated in our society - and it's something we need to deeply question.
As harmless as it may seem on the surface, believing that there is a natural solution to all pain - to all physical ill, all mental disturbance, to all relationship issues, to all work problems and any other issue that we may be dealing with - brings with it the assumption that if we AREN'T 'healing', that if we aren't constantly getting better, that if we aren't able to solve our own problems or find the solution to what is hurting us that this means we are failing in life on some level.
There comes a narrative that those who are struggling in their lives, that those who haven't found perfect balance and wholeness, that those who have chronic pain on any level are simply less intelligent, less capable, less respectable and are people who aren't really taking responsibility for themselves - and this invites a whole slew of unfair treatment, disrespect, judgement, prejudice and harm that needs to be addressed and questioned.
YES we have a lot of power to make our lives better - AND - we don't have total power. We don't have complete control. We can't make life perfect through perfecting ourselves - and the more we feed the narrative that we can, the more we unintentionally cause harm.
So today let's explore why the idea that ALL things can be 'healed' is toxic, how to stand in our power without swinging so far in the direction of total control that we become judgment of others and ourselves, and how to hold the paradox of partial control as we learn to take care of ourselves.
Are you sick of the self help roller coaster that leaves you constantly striving and never arriving?
Are you ready for a true spiritual path that connects you to yourself and reality so you can feel good about your life?
Then come check out the Mystery School.
The school is a 4-5 year self paced program that includes written lectures, videos, worksheets, practices and a community all designed to help you develop a clearer view of yourself, your life and reality at large so that you can better design a life that actually works for you.
Check Out All The Details Here