HOW To Get On The Self Love Path

The self love path comes with its fair share of confusion.

How do we tell the difference between acting from a place of trying to 'fix' ourselves, trying to make ourselves acceptable, trying to 'improve' what we think is WRONG with us and working from a place of TRUE self care, love and support?

How do we get off that path that tells us that we are only ever going to be lovable, acceptable and good enough if we CHANGE into some hypothetical version of ourselves we believe will be 'good enough' and ONTO the path of learning how to UNDERSTAND who and what we are, what we need and what kind of life is actually going to WORK for us?

How do we shift from living for the approval of others, acting from a place of our wounds and trying to 'be better' to a place of genuine self love?

How do we get STARTED on this path that SOUNDS so easy, but in actual practice is pretty difficult?

That's what we're going to explore today.

Because the truth is, getting onto the true self love path IS difficult. It is REALLY challenging to discern the difference between self improvement and self support and this path can be very mucky and unclear - especially in the beginning.

It's uncomfortable, it's often pretty painful and it usually doesn't give us the results we want right away.

So let's break down what it looks like to take our first steps on this path, and how you can make SURE that you're acting from a genuine place.


Are you sick of the self help roller coaster that leaves you constantly striving and never arriving? 

Are you ready for a true spiritual path that connects you to yourself and reality so you can feel good about your life? 

Then come check out the Mystery School. 

The school is a 4-5 year self paced program that includes written lectures, videos, worksheets, practices and a community all designed to help you develop a clearer view of yourself, your life and reality at large so that you can better design a life that actually works for you.

Check Out All The Details Here