We've talked a LOT around here about the difference between practices, tools and methods that are TRULY healing, and those that are simply triggering/simulating/activating us - convincing us that something is happening - and then leaving us in the same place that we were before we engaged in the 'healing' modality - or worse.

We've talked about why extreme practices, generally speaking, aren't actually healing and we've talked about why the idea of going as HARD and as FAST as possible when it comes to healing and transformation is almost ALWAYS a recipe for disaster.

Today, we're going to be diving deep into the realities that most of us face at some point along our healing path - the reality that we are engaging in healing modalities that really make us FEEL something in the moment - that lead to a big physical release, that cause us to cry, that feel REALLY intense and then lead to a few days, weeks or months of 'clarity' - which will inevitably start to fade and we find ourselves right back where we started, worse than where we started or confused about what we actually took from the experience long term.

This then usually leads us into a state of feeling like we need MORE of whatever we just did to get 'back' to that state of clarity again. It leads to us feeling like perhaps if we just do something even MORE extreme next time, that THIS time it will lead to lasting results. It leads us into a state of feeling like more is going to be better - and like slower, more grounded techniques don't give us that intensity and thus, they must not be effective.

We can get addicted to the intensity of extreme practices, as well as manipulated by those who teach these extreme practices into feeling like we need them in order to feel that release - and this can create that cycle of needing to go back over and over again, because we find ourselves on a 'high' after we engage with the modality, only to crash later - leading us to believe we need more of the practice/practitioner to get 'back' to that 'high' we truly believe is healing.

We're going to explore the many reasons why that 'high' may not be the healing you think it is, why the power of suggestion can block our ability to see what's really going on, why power-dynamics can confuse us, why INTENSITY is not the same thing as healing, and why more of something that never leads to long term results is likely never going to lead to longterm results.

Let's dive into the difference between healing and stimulation, so you can start to recognize this difference for yourself and protect yourself from extreme practices that are only going to harm you in the long run.


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