Monday Musings ~ Now Is A Good Time


Now is a good time.

Now is a good time to stop, take a breath and remember that life is not a race.

Now is a good time to look down at your body, the one you have right here and right now, and thank it for all it does for you.

Now is a good time to let yourself rest if you feel overdrawn.

Now is a good time to start giving yourself permission to want what you want.

Now is a good time to give yourself permission to feel what you feel.

Now is a good time to give yourself permission to be a paradox. A contradiction. To be unboxable.

Now is a good time.

Now is a good time to tell someone 'no' if it really feels like a no.

Now is a good time to tell someone 'yes' if it really feels like a yes.

Now is a good time to acknowledge all that you have done. How far you have come.

Now is a good time to remind yourself that you are not here to accomplish things. You are here to experience.

Now is a good time to start getting used to the idea that you are worthy. That you are worth while. That you are deserving.

Now is a good time.

Now is a good time to take stock of all the places you have abandoned yourself, and not to beat yourself for doing so. To finally say "I love you self, and I am here now."

Now is a good time to show up for you.

Now is a good time to validate you.

Now is a good time.

Now is a good time.

For whatever you have been yearning, now is a good time.


now is a good time