Monday Musings ~ On Manifestation

Hello beauties!

I was recently sent an e-mail, asking me to speak on the subject of manifestation.

I have been sharing a lot about how 'manifestation' is not what the new age community would have you believe it is.

That you do not simply call to yourself specific experiences because you think about them enough. That you do not 'create' negative circumstances for yourself be having negative thoughts, or positive circumstances for yourself through positive thought.

Rather it is your BELIEF system, and thus your FILTER that determines your experience.

With this, came questions like -

If this is so, if reality is going to be what it is going to be, why bother working on your belief systems?

If we do not attract our circumstances, then why do some people think about winning a million dollars, and then have it happen?

If we have no control, why bother?

I would like to share with you my answer, so that you can take some time to ponder for yourself if this idea of manifestation may be much deeper and richer than you currently believe.

There is much to explore here, so please ponder and then let me know what you think 🙂

Reality Is, Sort Of

The first main thing to understand is that - generally speaking - reality is going to unfold the way it is going to unfold. Of course there is an exception to this rule but I will go into that later. Reality is what it is, and it is our belief systems about reality that make the unfolding either pleasant or unpleasant for us.

The second thing to understand is that we can either be in a state of love - which is expansive, creative, receptive and without resistance, or fear which is contracting, stagnating and full of resistance.

Enter, Belief

It is the belief that there can be something wrong with reality, (that something that happened should not have happened, or that something that did not happen should have happened) AND that there can be something wrong with OURSELVES (I should not feel how I feel, look how I look, be how I am) that causes us pain and suffering, and kicks us into a state of fear - where learning and growth, as well as change and evolution become impossible. 

There is a balance, a delicate interplay, between Ultimate reality (natural law) and Relative reality (your journey and experience).

There is a part of you that knows the Ultimate truth about yourself, that you are one with all that is, that you are fully connected to source, that you are the creator of all that is.

There is another part of you that is aware of the relative truth. The little I, the personality, the specific perspective and journey you are living in this lifetime.

Often times these two perspectives conflict with one another, and again we build belief systems that one is right and one is wrong. That the little I experience is wrong, because it is not the expanded universal truth experience. This causes pain. This causes us to judge our human experience as being wrong and bad, because we are not expressing as the Ultimate truth of oneness. We know we know the ultimate truth, but the little I is here to walk it out, one step at a time. Like re-discovering treasure you buried for yourself. But if you judge the walking it out as wrong, you are going to suffer.

When Love Appears To Disappear

Next, we all have abandonment based wounds, that cause us to develop negative beliefs about the world. During the time when you were 0-7, you encountered trauma. You most likely had traumatic events after that age as well, but it was the traumas before 7 that were most impactful.

This trauma was abandonment trauma.

What happened was this - you were existing as your self, the little I with no belief system that there could be anything wrong with you being that. You also lived knowing that all of your needs would be met simply because you existed. You did not work for or seek to earn a living. It was a given. You were in a perpetual state of love.

On the same note, you were fully and completely dependant upon your parents for physical survival, and thus were highly tuned into their emotions towards you. For you in this state, to sense that your parents rejected you was a physical threat to your survival, because you were not capable of caring for yourself. You were also not capable of understanding social conditioning and social context. 


At some point, you expressed something that was genuine and true for you in the moment - anger, a tantrum, saying something that was not socially acceptable, or not doing or saying something that was expected of you - and due to your parents conditioning, they shamed you.

Rather than explaining to you that what you had just done was not socially acceptable - that YOU were still loveable and loved and perfect, that it was simply the BEHAVIOUR they were requesting you moderate - they yelled at you, or withdrew from you due to embarrassment.

This energetic exchange caused you to go into a deep state of existential fear - that there was something WRONG with you, that love could go away, and that you had no control over that love going away. You felt out of control of love going away (and remember love going away was literally death for you at this stage) because you were not capable of understanding what you had done wrong. You were not capable of understanding that it was simply your behaviour that was not liked, rather than YOU that was not liked.

This caused you to start to distrust yourself, as well as distrust reality. This caused a divorce between you and reality.

Up to that point, you had total and complete trust in your world to meet your needs. Then in this moment that trust was shattered, and you developed the idea that you needed to moderate yourself and try to manipulate reality in order to ensure your needs continued to be met. This is the epicentre of painful belief. There is something wrong with ME - I don't know what it is, but I must moderate myself to try to change or fix it - and reality is not safe because love - and there for survival - can be taken away at any time, based on something I do or don't do. This was the moment you experienced 'The fall' if you want to use that imagery.

The Abandonment Then Continued In Your Inner World

From there, you went about sometimes denying your true self in order to fit into social constructs, which caused deeper abandonment wounds within you. At other times you let yourself be yourself, but observed and felt the rejection from those around you, and thus deepened your belief that life is hostile to you and not safe. Both of which created more beliefs about the world around you.

This caused you to develop a lens on your perception of reality.

You developed filters - these emotions are bad, I cannot feel this way, it is not ok to do this, when this happens it means this - all of which are coming from your wounding, not your true self or from a true connection to reality.

Enter Trying To 'Manifest'

In this way we start to believe that certain experiences are good, and others are bad. With that we get into 'manifestation' where we are trying to control our circumstances, in order to avoid pain or procure pleasure.

This is only happeneing because we have a belief that life is not right just the way it is.

We are remembering our past as being wrong and bad, and thus trying to manipulate our futures so that those wrong and bad things do not occur again.

This is not truth.

Truth is what happened is what happened, and through clear perspective, you can allow it to teach you more about the truth of reality, your little I and the big I.

This is why changing belief systems from negative to positive, and then eventually to let go of all belief completely and instead simply live in reality is so freeing.

When we have painful belief systems, everything that happens in our reality is going to feel painful.

When we have positive belief systems, everything will feel positive.

When we have NO belief systems, we are finally able to be at ONE with reality.

In that ONENESS is where the fun begins.

In the total connection to reality with no filter of good or bad, we can then become true creators. Until then, we are simply running programming of defence against reality. We are not really creating anything, but rather doing the same things over and over again, in slightly different ways, that produce similar emotional experiences for ourselves, in order to try to free ourselves from our conditioning against reality.

You may be able to radically alter the actual circumstances of your life - going from poor to rich, single to in love, job to job - but if your belief systems remain, your EXPERIENCE of all these different realities will be THE SAME. You will always feel poor, no matter how rich you get. You will always feel lonely no matter how many lovers. You will always feel stifled and under appreciated no matter your job title. This is an important key to recognize. It is your belief system that shapes your PERCEPTION of your experience - not the circumstances.

Your PERCEPTION of your reality will reflect back to you where you are at. If what you perceive in your reality is painful, you are living with painful belief systems. If what you are experiencing is positive, you have positive belief systems. If you are able to be neutrally with all experience, (this does not mean emotionless - just non judging) you are in alignment with reality as it actually is.

Actual reality is what it is. There are natural laws that cannot be broken - for instance the law of gravity and the law of cause and effect. Universal laws, at this point in our consciousness, are poorly understood because collectively we are in a state where we are in denial of reality. To give you a metaphor, consider this:

Humans have a desire to fly. 

The First Group: of humans looks and observes that there is the law of gravity that is holding us to the earth. They say that flying is impossible due to gravity, and thus we should be realistic and just give up. These people generally believe life to be hostile and are in a victim state feeling no control over their own reality. These would be the 'realists' of our world.

The Second Group: says "No! I really really want to fly!" They look around and perceive that gravity is what is getting in the way of them fulfilling their desire. So they decide to simply pretend that gravity does not exist because they don't want it to (due to their belief that gravity is inhibiting them from having something they desire.) They then decide to jump off cliffs and believe they will be able to fly because they WANT it to be true. Yet every time they jump, they fall to the ground and are surprised. These people are in a state of denial and are thus totally and completely surprised by the effect of their actions - even though they tend to be repeating the same actions over and over getting the same results. These would be most 'new age' people on the planet today

The Third Group: is wise. They acknowledge their creative desire to fly - the little I aspect of reality. They then look deeply into nature, study the laws of gravity and how they work, study the laws of flight (seen through birds and other winged creatures) and learn how they work - the BIG I aspect of reality. With this combined, pure awareness - no belief that the desire to fly is good or bad, or that gravity is good or bad - they can then create an airplane. No resistance to the reality of the desire or the reality of the mechanics of gravity was in place, and thus creation inside of natural law was possible.

We want to be in the third group.

Becoming A Conscious Creator

The group that notices that reality IS what it IS.

That comes to an understanding that everything that we have been through was what it was and cannot be changed. That nothing that should have happened didn't, and nothing that should not have happened did. Most of us live in a very painful state because we have BELIEF that life has gone wrong. We do not trust reality to unfold in a way that is beneficial for us. We believe that things can and do go wrong, and in that belief we feel we need to protect and defend ourselves against reality. In this we build up even more belief systems about why certain things happened, why they were bad, and what we can do to prevent them from happening in the future. 

When you still have belief, you are essentially running a program.

You are not doing anything you have not done before, because in a state of fear - which is where all programming sets you up to be, because it takes you into a place where you are feeling that you need to defend yourself against reality - to plan for the future and worry about the past - you are not capable of doing anything new.

You believe you are making changes, when in fact you are doing the same things just slightly differently. In this state, sometimes you get a glimpse of the law of cause and effect, and can predict what is going to come your way. This is where the idea of thinking about winning the lottery and then winning it comes in. When what you were thinking about happens, you believe you have 'manifested' it. In truth you just observed a pattern and could then predict the outcome. Until you are free from all conditioning, you are just 'manifesting' the same things over and over, because you are making the same choices over and over and thus getting the same results over and over. Again, this may LOOK different on the surface - but what matters is that your reality will FEEL the same no matter what. You may manifest a new relationship or a new job, but it will FEEL the same as your old relationship and job, because the choices made were from the same level of consciousness. 

When we are free from this belief, all experiences can be ones of expansion.

To win a million dollars or to lose a best friend both produce similar feelings and states - you are capable of being with the experience, of learning all there is to learn from it, and gleaning the growth it has for you - because you are not in resistance to it or filtering it through a belief system.

You are the Ultimate One having an experience of being the Relative One all at once.

You are able to be with reality, and as your unique individual expression, to create what you want to create within it.

Not from a place of fear or rejecting what is, but from a place of love, understanding that what is is what is, and that you have creative potential within that reality.

You will finally be aware of the things that cannot be changed, and thus must be accepted, and the things which you can change, and thus you can be creative within.

THIS is true manifestation.

When you see what is actually changeable by you, and you create from a loving place something new.

That is all manifestation is.

Accepting what is, and playing within it.
