Self Love Takes TIME – Stop Being Hard On Yourself

One of the most challenging parts about this whole self love path, is the fact that there's no 'hack' for it.

There's no 'fast way' to learn to love yourself.

There's no tip, trick or strategy that we can use that can help us launch ourselves from a place of self rejection, a place of not loving ourselves, a place of being caught in loops of shame, blame and guilt - directly into a state of self love, support and the capacity to be our own safe place.

The reality of this path is that it takes time.

It takes effort.

There's no way to make it happen faster than it's going to happen - and for some of us learning to get on our own side is truly going to be one of the most challenging things we ever do.

This is why I wanted to make this video today.

I know how disheartening it can be to be in a space where we are trying SO HARD to love ourselves, where we are doing everything in our power to find compassion, to find curisoity, to be on our side and to support ourselves but we're STILL feeling like we end up in states of shame, blame, guilt, coping, numbing and self sabotage a lot.

Today I want to remind you that you're not failing, you're not doing it wrong and you're not 'missing something.'

Rather, you're doing something that's really challenging. You're taking on a monumental task - and I promise you that the effort required WILL pay off - just likely in a timeframe that isn't what you would expect.

Let's explore why this path takes so long, why it can feel like we are constantly taking two steps forward and one step back, and how we can adjust our expectations of the path to match the path, instead of constantly feeling like we must be doing it wrong.


Are you sick of the self help roller coaster that leaves you constantly striving and never arriving? 

Are you ready for a true spiritual path that connects you to yourself and reality so you can feel good about your life? 

Then come check out the Mystery School. 

The school is a 4-5 year self paced program that includes written lectures, videos, worksheets, practices and a community all designed to help you develop a clearer view of yourself, your life and reality at large so that you can better design a life that actually works for you.

Check Out All The Details Here