They Had It Worse So My Pain Doesn’t Count

Have you ever found yourself thinking something along the lines of 'well, they had it way worse than me, so what right do I have to complain/feel bad/seek support?'

Have you ever found yourself looking at the way others were traumatized or hurt in their childhoods, and told yourself 'this means what I went through wasn't that big of a deal?'

Have you ever been feeling badly about your emotional pain, physical pain, mental or spiritual situation, only to tell yourself 'well, there are people I can think of who have had WAY worse experiences than me - THEY deserve help and support, I should just get on with life now.'

Have you ever looked at your situation and how it's hurting you, how you're 'still' being affected by the pain and suffering that you've gone through and thought 'other people have had it so much worse and seem to be doing so much better, what's wrong with me that I can't just get over this? Shouldn't I be over it already?'

Have you ever felt like you're just weak, lazy, bad at healing, too needy, inadequate or unworthy of any kind of support, love, recovery time, processing or healing because what you went through wasn't as bad as what you perceive others have gone through?

Do you ever use the idea that what others have been through is worse than what you've been through, as a way of avoiding having to feel your feelings, having to do the healing work you need to do or otherwise to help you avoid looking at your situation and what you need?

If so, today's video is for you.

We're going to be looking at why comparing pain is a recipe for self denial, why we sometimes use the idea that 'other people had it worse' to block ourselves from feeling our own pain and emotions - and thus from doing the healing work we need to do to get better, why saying other people had it worse so therefore I should be fine is like saying 'someone out there got stabbed four times and I only got stabbed once and therefore I essentially didn't get stabbed.'

We're going to explore why accepting that what YOU went through affected YOU the way it did is so important and why we ALL deserve what we need to heal, no matter what that looks like in comparison to anyone else.

It's a deep one today, and I hope it brings you lots of clarity and hope for your path.


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