Hello and welcome to the Perception Trainers blog!

Marcus and I are so excited to have you here. If you don't already know us, my name is Ali and I am a registered Nutritional Councillor, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, Trained Life Coach, and published author. You may also know me as the Resident Holistic Nutritionist over at youngandraw.com. Marcus is my partner in crime and together we are your Perception Trainers!

What is a Perception Trainer you may be wondering? Marcus an I have both gone through our own expressions of trial and tribulation in this lifetime. I, Ali, suffered with anxiety, depression, anorexia and the general overwhelmingness of life and Marcus has his struggles with anxiety, panic attacks, and fear of the future. On our personal paths to recovery, we have discovered that there are some incredible links between the way we view the world and our experiences on this planet. For both of us, our journeys from lives of uncertainty and unhappiness to lives we love was made possible through a process of questioning our own thoughts and beliefs, changing the way we see things in order to make the things we see, change. Through thought work, journaling, talking, moving, breathing and eating we both have found the tools to enable us to create the lives and the bodies we wanted.

And that's why we're here today. We want to show you how you can create the body and the life of your desires by reshaping your beliefs. Here at perceptiontrainers.com, you will find mental and physical exercises, meditations, insights, and general musings that we hope you will use on your path towards the most fulfilling existence possible.

At the top of our page, you will see a drop-down menu titled F.E.E.L. Amazing. It stands for Feed, Energize, Exercise and Live. Under the Feed category, you will find posts about feeding you mind and your body. Under the Energized category, you will find meditations, breathing exercises and other strategies for increasing the positive energy flow and calmness in your life. In the Exercise category, you will find our favourite mental and physical exercises. Finally, under the Live category, you will find all our other thoughts and tools for amazing life creation. You will be able to read all about what's currently happening with us on our own journeys under the weekly perspectives category because, as we know, we are not finished with our own work either and we want to share our continued progress with you.

Under the Perception Diet, you can read about the book Marcus and I have written that contains, along with my story, what we feel are some very important tools for creating the body and life of your desires. We will also have weekly youtube videos to inspire you.

Welcome to the Perception Trainers community! Feel free to post questions, comments, or your own experiences. You can also like us on Facebook for even more daily updates and insights!

Remember that this site is all about helping YOU. Please let us know if there's any content you would like us to explore or questions/concerns you might have. It is our intention to provide everything that we can to support you on your journey.

Lots of love,

The Perception Trainers

couple thailand vacation


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