Today I want to talk about something that may be a little bit 'controversial', but I feel is deeply important to speak about.
In our current culture, there are SO many ideas around what it means to be a 'real' woman.
What it means to be doing femininity right. What it means to be valuable as a woman.
Many people out there who identify as feminine are living in a world where they face a TONE of societal pressure to live up to a plethora of, often times contradictory expectations - and I feel like we need to take a moment to slow down and unpack all of this.
Messages like 'when are you going to get married?' 'Don't you want to have kids?' 'This career is nice but don't you want to have a family?' 'This having a family is great but don't you want to do something MORE than just be a home maker?' 'Don't you want to contribute to your household?' 'Why are you still single?' 'When are you going to settle down?' 'Why are you being so picky, you'll never find anyone to be with if you don't lower your standards.' 'You should do this, you should do that, you should give this up, you should pursue that'
It's still common place for people who occupy a feminine identity to be labeled as worthy or unworthy based on her marital status, and for her to be judged based on her ability to do ALL the things - to be 'chosen' by a mate, to be in a successful long term relationship, to have a family, to have a career, to be beautiful and young forever - and truly, the levels at which it is still OK in our society to judge and shame anyone who doesn't have all of these things is a topic that is not discussed nearly enough.
Today I want to bring some awareness to the levels of judgement that many of us are carrying around, the shame, the guilt and the societal pressures that are coming from an old paradigm - and I want to challenge those ideas. I want to make a safe space for all of us to come together, to feel seen and heard, to be validated in our humanness, and I want to provide some tools for working through the cultural shame so that we can avoid blaming and shaming ourselves and see the indoctrination for exactly what it is.
Let's see if we can walk away from the lies of culture that tell us what a 'real woman' is, and walk towards something that feels far more balanced, holistic and HUMAN.
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