Why Looking For PERFECTION In Leaders/Ourselves Stops Us From Being Able To LEARN

Our culture has a MAJOR purity issue.

And I'm not talking about the idea that we aren't pure/holy/good enough.

Rather, I'm talking about the reality that no matter if you are or were raised religious, there is SO much in what we consider 'normal' society that perpetuates an idea that if we are not perfect, if we are not spotless, if we are not able to prove ourselves to be mistake, guilt and blemish free - that this then means that we are shameful, guilty and forever stained.

There is a pervasive narrative literally EVERYWHERE that you look that states that we humans are inherently sinful, guilty and bad - and there are some that believe that this narrative is actually HELPING us to be better people.

But the reality?

This purity mindset - this looking for ourselves to be perfect and looking for everyone we take advice from/who is in a position of leadership to be fully without blame AND to be people who never learn, grow or change - because learning, growing and changing would mean that what they were BEFORE wasn't perfect - is actually preventing the very thing we are leaning on it to provide.

It's stopping us from feeling safe enough to learn, grow, change and evolve.

It's making it so that we feel we need to double down and defend ourselves when we are shown that something we are doing is harmful.

It's leading us to being trapped in shame, blame and guilt spirals that don't actually help us become the people we want to become or that we feel we need to become.

This purity mindset is stopping us from being able to learn from imperfect people (which are all people) and it's stopping us from allowing OURSELVES to evolve - because there's this constant feeling that if we DO change, that means who and what we were before was wrong.

We need to start to see how purity culture is holding us back, and how we can find our way forward.


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