I believe that every human deserves to feel safe with themselves.
That every human deserves to be able to feel good about who they are, to feel that they are capable of moving through the challenges and unknowns of their lives, and to feel like they don't have to live with constant shame/guilt telling them that who and what they are isn't good enough.
I believe that all humans deserve to be able to live from an adult perspective that tells them that they are always capable of growth, and that who and what they are right now is fully worthy of love - and to be able to FEEL that love.
As much as I want every individual to feel that they are worthy of and have access to love at all times - I also want to see a world where we have created systems that work to support life.
Because what we have right now in terms of our societal and cultural structures are fully inverted when it comes to what is actually required for supporting life.
Right now, we have structures that are built on the idea of endless profit expansion for those at the top of our dominance hierarchies which can only come at the EXPENSE of everything and everyone below.
We have systems that are all about sacrificing life for 'profit' - that are built around consumption and production being the means to which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer vs. systems where consumption and production are used pragmatically to support what actually has value - LIFE.
We have been manipulated into a world system that tells us that when we are in pain/aren't getting our needs met that there is a flaw in US that needs to be 'fixed' - and that this 'fix' is always going to come in the form of increased production or consumption - which really just feeds the system vs. actually nourishing our lives in any way.
The truth is, this feeling of insecurity that we all walk around with is rooted in real reality - but the fact that we believe that it's due to our inherent lack of worth, the fact that we believe we have to fix/improve ourselves in order to be worthy of provision, the fact that we idolize the rich and see the poor as being unworthy, the fact that we are all constantly striving for more and yet never seeming to reach a place where anything feels good - tells us that we have an imbalance going on that and that we aren't seeing reality clearly.
This is what is at the root of our systems - a disconnection from real reality - and it is re-connecting with reality and our humanity that's going to guide us towards a way of life that actually works.
Self love is something we all deserve to have - but it's also something that's going to help liberate us from our inverted systems so that we can find something that actually works in real reality.
Let's dive into why self love is the path towards collective liberation, and how we can start to walk this path.
Loving this content, but don’t know how to put it all together?
Are you resonating with the self love path and these tools for self awareness - but aren’t quite sure how to start or how to turn these ideas into actual practices?
Then I have the perfect thing for you!
The Aliyah Mystery School takes all the guesswork out of finding a way of life that works for YOU.
The school is a step by step, full map of the self love territory. It provides you with everything you need to slowly transition from the self improvement/never feeling like enough way of life - to one where you feel capable of supporting yourself, processing your emotions and figuring out your next steps - whatever those steps may be.
The School is designed to give you all the tools you need, in order, that will allow you to figure out YOUR life path, as it presents itself, one step at a time.
It will teach you how to stop seeing yourself as a failure/something to ‘fix’ so that you can see the TRUTH that has always been - all you need is SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING.
It also comes with a community of fellow students that you can connect with, as well as monthly meetings with me so we can deepen on this journey together.
Check out the school here for more information
And don’t hesitate to send me a message with any questions you may have.
Looking forward to seeing you in the virtual halls of the Aliyah Mystery School soon.