Most of us have learned to hate our bodies.
The truth is, we live in a world where we are either ACTUALLY marginalized, exploited, harmed and not given a fair shot at security and prosperity due to the bodies we occupy and we are trained to see this as OUR fault and something we need to blame ourselves for or we are trained to see our bodies as something we must constantly control and contort to fit societal beauty standards - and ALL of this body hate comes from a ROOT of not feeling/being safe.
Many of us believe that the roots of our body image issues are coming from beauty culture - and to an extent this is true - but in REAL reality, there is a MUCH deeper root, a much deeper trauma and a much deeper reality we need to look at if we are ever going to work our way towards a world where we aren't living from a place of body obsession.
Learning to love, trust and honor our bodies in the current culture we live in is actually one of the hardest things I think most of us will EVER do - because the threat we are ACTUALLY facing is one most of us may not even be aware of.
We are trained to hate, shame and reject ourselves, so that we won't question the deeply problematic and inhumane ROOTS of body rejection that make up the foundation of our society.
Unpacking body hate is societal and systemic, not just an individual act of self love or self awareness.
Let's dive into this body hate today, and how we can start to see the bigger picture enough that we can move towards TRUE liberation.
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