'Ok I got that, so what's next?'
"I'm doing my daily meditation work, my journalling, my self care - what's the next thing to add to my list of things that are going to heal me?"
"I'm doing the basics and that's all fine and good - but what's the REAL secret to healing?"
"There must be something I'm missing because I'm doing my 'work' and it doesn't seem like anything is really happening."
"You must not be telling me what the REAL answer is, because all of these little daily practices can't be enough to get me out of the hole I'm in and into my dream life."
Have you ever found yourself thinking any of the above thoughts?
On our self love path, healing path, spiritual path and personal growth path, we are going to run into a LOT of teachers who all have different tools, techniques, promises and guidance on how to get from where we are to where we want to go.
There are SO many different things to try, and so many diiferent people proclaiming that THIS thing or THAT practice what THE THING that healed them/changed their lives - and the reality is, when we're suffering, when we're in pain, when we just want to be BETTER - the thought of a 'solution' being multi-factorial, something that isn't going to change everything quickly and being something we are going to have to commit to before we see results isn't all that appealing.
But the truth is, at the end of the day, *most* of the time when we are looking to make the kind of progress in life we want to make - when we want to radically transform, heal, become something we've never been before and to live a life we've never had access to before - the actual 'secret' is just doing the basics, over and over and over again.
Today I want to talk about why radical transformation often comes due to walking a path that is VERY different from the ones that our social media influencers talk about, and why committing to the basics gives us something that perpetually looking for the new, shiny thing never can and never will.
Are you sick of the self help roller coaster that leaves you constantly striving and never arriving?
Are you ready for a true spiritual path that connects you to yourself and reality so you can feel good about your life?
Then come check out the Mystery School.
The school is a 4-5 year self paced program that includes written lectures, videos, worksheets, practices and a community all designed to help you develop a clearer view of yourself, your life and reality at large so that you can better design a life that actually works for you.
Check Out All The Details Here