Monday Musings ~ Resonance And Radiance – A Path To The New Paradigm

Hello Beaut!

There has been a lot of talk for the last several decades about the idea that we are stepping into a 'new paradigm.'

Some call it the 'new earth.' 'Heaven on Earth.' 'A new age.'

Whatever name is ascribed to this shift, what is generally being looked at is a shift in consciousness.

What is being described is a shift in the way we as human beings relate to reality, how we look at ourselves, one another, life. How we process what information we are receiving, how we act and react to ourselves and to one another.

Many are starting to wake up to the fact that if we want revolution without - meaning if we really want social structures to change to create a more harmonious and ordered society - that first what must take place is an INNER revolution on behalf of all the beings here. Or at least enough of us that there is a 'tipping point' where the new simply becomes more powerful than the old.

There is a great awakening to the idea that culture and society are simply reflections of what is going on within the aggregate on an individual level.

We are seeing that the power structures that pray upon the sovereignty of others - the religious, financial, political, educational, medical, entertainment and so on - structures that say 'simply give me your power, and I will tell you how to be happy/free/safe/secure' - are playing a game that only exists in our minds.

The truth of the matter is, each individual must first wake up to their individual power.

They must wake up to the idea that abdication of responsibility onto another person or body or institution is not really real. That no one outside of yourself really has the 'right' answers for you as to what your life 'should' look like, and due to natural law, no one outside of yourself can really absorb the consequences of your choices for you. So even if you commit a terrible act because you truly believed that an authority figure told you to and that you had no power to say no, cosmically, you are responsible.

In the same way, your freedom is something that is only ever yours to LIVE OUT. No one can really take it from you - both you and another person can go through the motions of acting like they have power over you - but in the end, the second you decide to take ownership for yourself, their capacity to rule you stops. YOU have to play in order for it to work. Which means that their external power over you is not real. It is imaginary. Nothing that is real can be broken when someone stops acting in accordance with it. Natural laws cannot be broken, we can only break ourselves against them.

Gravity does not stop holding you to the ground because you decide to stop participating. It is a law, regardless of your belief systems.

We are seeing that it is this propensity towards extreme self doubt that creates this duality of those who want to be ruled (in order to feel safe and protected from their own perceived lack) and those who want to feel powerful (to cover up their feelings of insecurity and lack.) We are seeing that integrating this victim mentality within each one is the beginning that will enable a new paradigm to birth itself on our planet.

We are wising up to the fact that revolution in terms of simply tearing down the old structures without first forming an idea of what we are going to build in their places does not work so well. Due to the fact that we as life cannot become 'not something' - we have to have a direction to head in if we want true change to occur.

We cannot revolt against power structures and blame them for our troubles. Instead, we must realize that true revolution is simply to step back into our own personal power, and to live in  accordance with natural law.

We must build the new, and this will simply take the place of the old.The new paradigm is one personal act of taking responsibility away for each person. As this shifts takes place individually, it will be reflected globally. It can be no other way.

What this means for you, is that this new paradigm is something you must start living NOW. You cannot wait for it. You must start to be it. It is not about waiting for the world to catch up, or waiting until you see it reflected in you outer world before you make it a part of your inner space.

It is up to you to live it in your life. To BE the new paradigm. You see? This is the only way it will happen. This is the only way the change will occur. If we all change. If we all elevate ourselves. Live as that elevation. Then and only then will it be reflected back to us in our environment as a whole.

You must live it first before you are going to see it.

So let's explore together what this new way may look like for you, to see if you resonate. Feel into this, rather than overly intellectualizing it.

Resonance + Radiance = The New Paradigm.

In the new world, we will all be living with a deep resonance with nature, as well as a radiance of creativity and expression.


The Receptive, Observing, Feminine Aspect: The divine feminine aspect is nurturing - internally nurturing first and foremost. Not from a place of lack, or trying to make up for something that is missing. Not from a place of putting the self above others, or prioritizing the self over others. Rather from a place of knowing ones true value, the innate value of all beings, and seeing that when one is truly nourished, all benefit. That there really is no taking and others having less, when we are moving from a place of inner completion. This internal nurturing in turn becomes a 'clean' kind of external nurturing in the radiating. 

Living In Alignment With Natural Law, In Observation Of What Is - Rather Than In Belief Systems: To be in observation of how natural laws function, and how this affects our lives. To be the silent witness of nature, or the unfolding of your life, as you slowly and systematically question what you 'believe' to be true, vs what is actually happening. Where you start to relinquish ideas of what should not have been or what should have been, coming into the understanding that what was, was what was. Allowing yourself to process through the painful dissociations that have happened due to any divorce from nature that may have occurred within you, so that you may reside in a new state of integration. Completion with the past, and thus no fear of or resistance to the now. This is much deeper than forgiving and forgetting. This is not a relinquishing of knowledge obtained through experience. Simply the act of coming fully into alignment with all that has happened, and allowing it to be what has expanded you, grown you, nourished you - not harmed or robbed you. So that you may live freely able to enjoy the now.

To Be In The Present Moment: To exist in the flow of life, to realize the 'self' as the One, the all, the Ultimate. The Ultimate truth. To realize what is not changeable, and to be fully in alignment with that. To spend 'time' in the timeless, to enter into the void within yourself that contains the call. Merging with the knowing that you are greater than this, that you are connected to all that is greater than this. To feel yourself outside yourself. To realize the infinite as much as is possible. To experience not being 'yourself' but the One self. This deep awareness of the perspective beyond your individual one is actually something that deeply empowers your individual perspective. It is not to say that you must abandon your individual self, just to integrate the awareness of the individual self with an awareness of the expanded, unified self. Remember we are playing at integration of dualities here - so to allow for that expanded awareness is a deep and important part of the journey. Also to FEEL your connection to all that is, to all other humans, nature, animals and so on - is an essential component in developing peace here. It is this illusion that we are all separate that causes the conditions for some to have and some to not have. In truth, abundance is. This universe was created with the capacity to support all life that inhabits it. It is only through our limited awareness that we enable the conditions for suffering and going without. When we see that there is truly no difference between 'you' and 'I' we will move towards a world where everyone gets what is needed.

Resonance is all about relaxing and releasing resistance to what is. To what was. To reality. This way, you are able to see things as they are, to accept the things that cannot be changed. So that you can start to make choices from an empowered and educated place. It is about allowing for receptivity in your days, minutes and moments. It is about releasing all defence against the present moment, so that you can glean all there is to glean from the now. So you can become wise to how it all works.


The Active, Outward, Expressing Divine Masculine Aspect: This is the living and acting from the new place. To express, to create, to be in the world, without being 'of' it. This is the balance where you take all that you have been receiving in your meditations, in your awakenings, in your life from your lessons, and you use that to influence your creative participation in reality. Rather than projecting onto others how they should be, rather than forcefully exerting your will onto life, you align with the higher will, and then MOVE from that place. Knowing that you participate in creating the new world. So you are not so much focused on the WHAT of what you are doing - you could be anything from a spiritual teacher to a stay at home mom, to a corporate executive to a librarian - you instead focus on WHY you are doing what you are doing, and the energy that you bring to what you are doing. The HOW and the WHY of your actions become your primary focus. You know that you have an effect most strongly energetically, and so you witness this in yourself. You create and express, but not to dominate or suppress, but to facilitate a new world for everyone.

To Know The Self As The Individual: To reconcile your knowledge of the all, that you are ONE with all that is, with the idea that you are a specific frequency with a specific vibration. To have reconciled all that has come before, again living in the present but with knowledge of the individual expression of the One that you are. From this place of ultimate self knowledge, to dive deep into the relative self knowledge. To learn everything that is a part of the one that you are being right here, right now. To fully embrace this relative self, to fully integrate all the wounds, all the fractions, all the rejections, and then to express from that fully embodied place. To know that you are the one and only expression of you that there will ever be, and to live and walk that out fully. Knowing that you are one with all, and then being the unique you.

To Be In A State Of Love, And CREATING From That Place: To have integrated all of your past hurts and woundings - or to be in the process of that integration - so that you are no longer living from programming that was passed down to you, but rather CREATING the new. To be in a state of 'beginners mind' where the past carried you to this place, but does not colour how you allow yourself to experience it. Where you can interact and interface with this reality in a way that you are not resisting pain or trying to procure pleasure, but instead are fully aligned with what is being presented, and then choosing to create something wonderful with that. Rather than resistance to what is, trying to tear down something from the old way, trying to convince people to be different, trying to push or force something away, you are in a place of acceptance of what one can practically do to create change - as a part of the Divine creative force. To be creating the new, rather than simply trying to rebel against and take down the old. To live in the new paradigm yourself, and watch it colour all your actions and behavior, knowing that you are then playing your role in the new earth.

The Divine Marriage

Together, this is the marriage of the sacred feminine and masculine within a being. To accept what is, and to create within it. To know the ultimate truth of self, and to express as the relative. No resistance to or destruction of what is, needs to take place for the new paradigm of heaven on earth to exist. It is simply a matter of stepping into it for yourself, living in it, and being it. In so doing, continuing to discover and evolve yourself, and then to express that with love.

In this way, you live the new paradigm.

When we are all doing this, it is.

You need not wait for anything to shift.

You ARE the shift.

The real truth is, the new paradigm already exists for you to enjoy. THe whole world does not have to wake up to it, before you can experience it. The only person that needs to wake up to it so you can experience it is you.

It is a living, breathing, potentiality for you right here, right now. When you move yourself into alignment with it, you will live it. Even if everyone around you refuses the move.

This is the magic in it. No one else has to come for you to go.

You can go.

Rather, you can be in it.




All on your own.

That is your right.

Just know you make it easier for others to follow in the same direction when you go on out ahead 😉
