When Is It Time To Learn From Karma?

Hello Beauty!

If you haven't done so already, please go read part one of this post here!

Now onto today 🙂


I don't assume that people are or aren't living out a past life continuation. I don't assume that people are going to have a future life. I recognize that people have THIS life that they are living, and I believe they deserve to have the BEST chance at a GOOD life this time round. If we can change HUMAN made systems to lessen the burden of not enough, why wouldn't we, when we have so much to contend against in so far as natural/planetary obstructions?

Does Genetic Diversity Justify Past Lives?

I don’t believe that genetic diversity is a clear sign of past lives. I believe that we may be better suited to understanding EVOLUTION - we are a continuation of the ONE human race, each one of us. We carry the genetic codes, the information, the awareness, and programs of our ancestors - all that we have learned since the beginning of time. We all carry the history of humanity in our bodies. In our brains. Our very STRUCTURE is a result of EVERYTHING that has come before us. THIS is the 'past life' we have ALL lived.

We also all inherited the SYSTEMS that we have from out ancestors. Everything we currently see as a way of LIFE in our world has been passed TO us. They are the structures we have built in our attempts to survive. The power struggles we see are a continuation of the power struggles that have been going on since the beginning of time. The inequality, the injustice, the chaos - it's all a pattern. It's all happened before and we are slowly learning from it.

None of us are 'self made.' We are a part of the continual communal expansion. We inherited everything we are, all the knowledge and provision. And it is our job to then continue that evolution, and pass what we learn and create onto the next generation. THAT is reality.

We are collectively facing the karma of existence as a whole, not necessarily each one of us individually. We are facing the consequences of our actions, the actions taken before us, and the STRUCTURE of reality itself on a GRAND scale yes - but this doesn't mean that we are all INDIVIDUALLY experiencing the results of our OWN choice in each and every moment of life. We are all connected, and the choices of others affect us. Meaning we can't pin point anyone's experience as fully their OWN CHOICE - because they are being affected by all choices and all structures of reality that came before them. It's what created them, and it's the medium they exist within.

You didn't CHOOSE your body, your parents, your place of birth. But you do HAVE CHOICE with what you were given. Both exist. Just because we didn't mindfully CHOSE what we are experiencing, does NOT mean we don't have choice in regards to trying to help ourselves, in learning from what we are going through, in changing. We are all victim to our childhoods and our birth situations. They are what they are. AND THEN as adults, we have more and more choice within the systems that exist, and the structure of reality.

Both exist at once.

You are a part of a long line of evolution, your past lives are ALL the past lives. You are benefiting from all that has been learned to this point by the very nature of your existence within structures that make life easier for you that are BUILT IN to the culture you were born into. The infrastructure. The medicine. What we know about what humans need.

AND you are a unique individual that's never happened before. You are genetic expression and variation. Nothing has existed quite like you before, and nothing ever will again. You are adding to the OVERALL through being what YOU ARE.

You have been born into the life you were born into, and it has limited you. It's given you scars. It's made certain things inevitable and other things impossible. AND you have choice with what you do with what you were given. You have intelligence. You have the capacity to move. To breathe. To even just conceptualize differently. You were a victim and you have power.

This is how it is on a grand scale. We are all doing what we can with what we were given, trying to express our potential how we can, through meeting our needs in the ways that are POSSIBLE for us - and this is what is determining the outcomes of our experience. The evolutionary structure we were born into, the society we were born into, and the capacity we have to shift and change, learn, grow and expand from that starting point within the systems that exist.

I also don’t believe that any human should have to go without due purely to human systems of exploitation/misunderstanding.

Man Made Systems Of Oppression Aren't A Karma We Need To Keep:

I would never assume that anyone was born into a system where they don’t have enough OR where they are indoctrinated into believing that they must have so much more than they actually need - thus being in a manic state of constant taking their whole lives - for any reason other than EVOLUTION and misunderstanding, when that system is man made. 

From my observation, there are many natural systems of inequality that lead people to be born into situations of poverty, illness, weakness and so on that aren’t man made. This planet is very complex and organizing ourselves to have access to what we need at all times is HARD. There will always be illness. Always be drought. Always be things we can’t predict that happen. Also, the inherent STRUGGLE of becoming, of growth, of change, that will ALWAYS be there. No matter how much we are provided for, no one can take from anyone else the STRUGGLE of being human. To fear that we are going to make life 'too easy' by providing basic needs doesn't track with actual reality.

In these cases, I again don’t pretend to know ‘why’ someone is born into a certain situation vs. another. All I know is that WITH that, we as INTELLIGENT beings can continue to learn from the patterns of reality what it is that we require to survive and thrive as a humanity, and as individuals, and we can work WITH the natural systems we have no control over to create better and better outcomes for all of us. As we have been doing for all of human history. This is what learning and technological innovation are all about! 

Being able to observe what HURTS us as a human race, and what HELPS us - starting to move towards the understanding that we are just like all of life, with our ONE true desire being to EXPRESS our genetic potential, we have come to understand more and more that in order for this ONE desire to be met, we must have our needs met.

We have slowly, over the centuries, learned more and more about what we need to thrive, and what happens when we are in a state of lack in regards to what we need. We are learning, more and more, how to meet the needs of larger and larger groups of people through technology and trial and error. We are learning that trying to meet needs OUTSIDE of the patterns of nature tend to run us into issues. We are learning that trying to profit the few at the expense of the many leads to issues down the line.

We are seeing that to have mountains of material possession doesn’t actually lead to MORE happiness if those material possessions are requiring that you exploit someone or something else, OR if they aren’t directly contributing to ones capacity to BE THEMSELVES. And vice versa, we see that when humans have to LITTLE, when they don’t have their needs met, that are equally inhibited from self expression, whatever that expression is based on their genetic potential - and in both cases we have pain. We’ve made incredible advances in our understanding of weather, human biology, transportation, energy production, ways of expressing - and all of this has led to a steady increase in the quality of life for MORE and more humans.

That’s a good thing.

For me, I feel it’s my responsibility to work towards a more equitable world for all people.

We are most likely going to deal with inequality and lack of resources/tragedy forever - that’s the chaos we live in that we will never have total control over. But we DO have intelligence and we HAVE evolved our awareness and our capacity. We have technology and understanding now that we didn’t before that can help to improve the lives of many - and I think that we ‘should’ use that intelligence to do so. 

The Struggle Of Becoming Can't Be Erased:

Also, the path of 'becoming' ourselves, the path of growth and expression won't go away when we have our basic needs met. Providing people with the foundational REQUIREMENTS for a reasonable life isn't a hand out. It isn't 'robbing people of their suffering' any more than giving a seed soil, water and sunlight is 'robbing' that seed of it's journey towards becoming a flower. In fact, it is the opposite. The seed is still going to have to do the work to become a flower - but if it DOESN'T have the soil, water and sunlight it NEEDS in order to DO that work - it can't even do the work. The work it does won't EVER allow it to fully express it's beauty to the world. When we don't have the FOUNDATIONAL requirements for life met, it doesn't matter how hard we work - that work is thwarted. When HUMANS don't have their basic needs met, they can fight as hard as they want, work as hard as they want, try as hard as possible - and will still find that they can't ever get to their fullest expression. In this we ALL miss out.

To think that it's 'robbing someone of their suffering' to provide as many humans as possible with foundations for life, is the same as saying we are robbing a child of their growth path by not giving them food, water and shelter. In order for that child to grow into an adult who is CAPABLE of going on the inherent growth path, doing the inherent work that will be required to walk that growth path - they MUST have their basic needs met FIRST. Without that, they are going to be trapped in fear, trapped in not enough, and again, never ABLE to reach their truest potential.

When people have basic needs met, they don't become lazy, and they don't miss out on the struggles required to grow. Those will ALWAYS bet here. Rather, they are given the OPPORTUNITY to actually take the journey of growth. They are given the opportunity to be ABLE to meet themselves, meet the world, face what needs to be faced. When they DON'T have those basic things, again, they can be as motivated, committed and hard working as anyone and they won't see the full fruits of their labor. It's as simple as that.

Nobody wins when people don't have the basics.

We've seen this now. We have more than enough information to support this point. We also have more than enough technology, awareness, manpower and organization to do away with these systems that don't work to SUPPORT human life that have been MAN MADE. We have the capacity to try seeing what happens when we don't have such immense wealth and opportunity gaps. We have seen the mess these gaps create.

We can learn from these things in THIS life.

It’s not helpful for people to have SO MUCH more than they need nor is it helpful for people to have so much LESS than they need in terms of being able to express ourselves fully. And it seems that having enough so that we can then express is what actually makes us happy. So why not work to create more and more systems that allow for more and more people to have enough, through dismantling the ones that are currently happening that are creating circumstances where people don’t have enough?

We know that there ARE systems of exploitation, marginalization, exclusivity and so on that really do CREATE situations where some humans can NEVER have enough - and I don’t feel like being born into that has anything to do with a past life lesson to be learned. I feel, rather, that that is a CURRENT life lesson to be learned for ALL of us - these systems that rely upon exploitation, while looking like they serve a few, don’t actually. They cause an outer poverty for those being exploited and an INNER poverty for those who are getting more than they need. I don’t believe we should let these systems continue to play out as they are, claiming that it’s just ‘karma’ that some people are born into circumstances of not enough or into circumstances of overabundance.

That to me seems like refusing to learn. If we refuse to learn, we will NEVER change these systems.

These systems that OBJECTIVELY don’t work. To claim it’s just Karma and we are just learning from it - well at what point do we LEARN and then CHANGE? To me, we are at the point where we get it. We see the consequences. We have the resources and capacity to change - so the karma has been paid. We are now ready for something new and I think it is our responsibility to start to break these cycles we can fully understand don’t work.  That’s my argument. 

Where we CAN create systems of enough for everyone, we should, because this actually works better for ALL of us. 

None of us win in a competition based society. 

We have intelligence and we are going to create systems, so why not learn from the ones that haven’t worked, and create ones that DO work better? That’s evolution! Enough seems to be the ticket, so let’s work to create that. 

There Will ALWAYS Be Challenge In Life - Needs Met Or Not:

I personally again think there will always be challenges we CAN’T do much about as humans, but as far as systems of exploitation that lead to too little for some and too much for others - I think we HAVE learned our karmic lesson there. We are intelligent enough to see the facts that it doesn’t work, so why would we keep repeating ourselves? Experience has taught us what we needed to know, we have our evidence. So why not use our intelligence to end these cycles? I see no pragmatic reason to keep them going out of some idea that it's karmic retribution. We have the results. That’s all we need and now we can apply intelligence to create something better.

It appears to me that we are all a result of billions of years of biological evolution and variation. Born into a world that has both natural and man made systems. This is a complex universe - and we have the ‘magical’ ingredient of self awareness/consciousness/story telling/future pacing - which gives us both the capacity to create systems that ALIGN with how reality works, thus serving to improve the quality of our lives and chances of surviving long enough to express our genetic potential, as well as to create systems from ignorance that cause harm.

We’ve been doing just this for all of human life.

We now know SO much about the human body that we had NO idea about 100 years ago, and this knowledge has led to basic changes in the way society functions that have led to longer life spans than we’ve ever seen. It’s just our ‘way of life.’ Each generation is benefiting from the information learned from the last. We tend to take for granted how much we have LEARNED about ourselves, and how this has slowly over the centuries created our current lifestyles which are, over archingly, more comfortable than they’ve ever been for MORE people than ever before.

I believe we should keep up with this pattern. It’s a good thing. We may never know it all, never be able to prevent all pain and chaos - but we CAN keep learning, evolving and changing our systems to match our new understanding. THAT is intelligence.

We will never have total control over nature/the growth challenges of being a unique being in this cause and effect universe, and so again will always face challenge - survival and expression is hard in many ways. At the same time, we have the intelligence to learn from our PAST as a humanity - to see what does and doesn’t serve to support us in expressing, and in that we can create NEW systems that work BETTER. We have intelligence which means we don’t have to keep repeating cycles - nor do we have to PERSONALLY experience something in order to see it’s effects or to be able to come up with an intelligent solution if the effects are negative. We want to express just like all of life, and we have intelligence in order to create systems that allow us to do that with greater and greater ease - as we have been doing from the time of our ‘birth’ as a humanity. Seems intelligent to me to continue seeing the structures that oppress, see why we do that, see how we can do it better, and then do it better.

Karma doesn’t have to be learned only in the ‘next life.’

I don’t pretend again to know why people are born into situations where they don’t have their needs met - but I DO know that we can continue to change how we do things as a humanity to make sure that happens less and less. And I think that’s true karma and learning.

Making those changes when we are aware of the pain and what we can do differently.

Keeping it the same just because we write it off as Karma or ‘if we were supposed to do that we would already be doing it’ negates the fact that we have intelligence, and writes off the actual process of progress.

Change when we can, into the unknown, always evolving based on new knowledge we didn’t have before.

THAT Is karma in action!

If we assumed everything was ‘perfect’ and that we were already doing everything we were capable of or should be doing based just on what WAS we would literally never have learned ANYTHING. We would still be wandering around the jungle. I for one am glad we have allowed ourselves to change.

I hope we keep doing it.

That we keep humble, keep knowing we won’t ever have it all sorted out, and that change and progress ARE the way.

As soon as we see it, we can change it, and we should.
