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When we are working on healing our codependency, when we are learning to navigate our childhood wounds and to find our adult autonomy, when we are doing our self love…
I’m Not Who I THOUGHT I Would Be
In the self love/spirituality/personal growth world, there is a LOT of talk about how to process the feeling that we aren’t living up to the expectations of OTHER people. We…
Masters Practice The Basics Every Day
‘Ok I got that, so what’s next?’ “I’m doing my daily meditation work, my journalling, my self care – what’s the next thing to add to my list of things…
HOW To Get On The Self Love Path
The self love path comes with its fair share of confusion. How do we tell the difference between acting from a place of trying to ‘fix’ ourselves, trying to make…
Self Love Takes TIME – Stop Being Hard On Yourself
One of the most challenging parts about this whole self love path, is the fact that there’s no ‘hack’ for it. There’s no ‘fast way’ to learn to love yourself….
EVERYTHING Can Be Healed Naturally And Other Toxic Wellness Ideas
As someone who has spent my entire life being chronically ill, in a way that wasn’t understood or diagnosed by medicine until my mid 30’s, my experience in the natural…
‘You Should Just Be Over It By Now’ And Other Lies About Processing Our Childhood Pain
One of the most common things we’re going to hear when we’re going on a journey of processing our childhood pain is: “Shouldn’t you be over that by now?” In…
Getting Mad At Caregivers Means Losing Hope Of Perfect Love – Why We Struggle
For many of us, getting to a place where we are able to establish healthy, adult relationships and where we are able to establish a health relationship with OURSELVES and…
They Had It Worse So My Pain Doesn’t Count
Have you ever found yourself thinking something along the lines of ‘well, they had it way worse than me, so what right do I have to complain/feel bad/seek support?’ Have…
Honoring Your Sensitivity While ALSO Building Resilience/Capacity
Being sensitive is both a blessing and a curse – along with most things in life 😉 On the one hand, being sensitive gives us the capacity to really FEEL…
Accepting That We AREN’T Machines And That Our Energy Will Always Fluctuate
In our current culture, we are essentially expected to act and work like we are machines. There’s both a spoken and unspoken ‘rule’ that in order to be living a…
Why We Project Our Shame, Blame And Guilt Onto Others And Don’t Even Realize It
We have talked a LOT around here about why healing our personal shame, blame and guilt stories can be incredibly liberating – and why it’s so important that we do…
Taking Our Humanity Back From Spiritual Materialism
Unfortunately, spiritual materialism has been a HUGE part of our culture for a very, very long time. The ‘prosperity gospel’ that we currently see in *most* new age and non-religious…
How To Love The Parts Of You That Feel Like You Have To Be PERFECT All The Time
Many of us struggle with ‘perfectionism’. This feeling that there is an ever present ‘judge’ of our behavior, appearance, performance and lifestyle that we must measure up to in order…
Why Learning To SLOW DOWN Is A Skill And A Radical Act Of Reclaiming Our Humanity
One of the most popular refrains in the spirituality and self help world is the idea that we all need to learn to SLOW DOWN. While there are lots of…